Bringing Culture to Your Doorstep

The Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra is pleased to be able to offer businesses affordable opportunities to support our mission of bringing culture to your doorstep and gain visibility in a vibrant, growing community. Our patrons are a cross section of growing families, retirees, and young professionals that come to FBSO to hear great, family-friendly concerts. Each sponsorship opportunity is tailored to the specific goals of the sponsoring business. Please take a look at the suggested offerings and levels.
$5,000 – Concert Underwriter
Sponsor Recognition from stage at concert
Sponsor logo on promotional postcards
Sponsor logo on posters
Sponsor information in press materials
Sponsor logo and link on our website
Full Page Advertisement in all programs for the season (7000 Pieces)
Recognition and thanks in a sponsor dedicated email to mailing list (1,500 people)
Logo and promotion on our Facebook page with 10 promoted posts (1,200 likes)
Complementary tickets – 6 pairs (12 total)
Sponsor table in lobby with company promotional materials
Sponsor giveaways to audience (800-1100 per concert)
Corporate discount on tickets!
We are open to additional promotional opportunities, just ask!
$3,500 – Concert Sponsor
Sponsor Recognition from stage at concert
Sponsor logo on promotional postcards
Sponsor logo on posters
Sponsor information in press materials
Sponsor logo and link on our website
Half page Advertisement in all programs for the season (7000 Pieces)
Recognition and thanks in a sponsor dedicated email to mailing list (1,500 people)
Logo and promotion on our Facebook page with 5 promoted posts (1,200 likes)
Complementary tickets – 4 pairs (8 total)
$2,000 – Conductor Sponsor
Sponsor Recognition from stage at concert
Sponsor logo on promotional postcards
Sponsor logo on posters
Sponsor information in press materials
Sponsor logo and link on our website
Quarter- page advertisement in all programs for the season (7000 Pieces)
Recognition and thanks in an email to mailing list (1,500 people)
Logo and promotion on our Facebook page (1,200 likes)
Complementary tickets – 3 pairs (6 total)
$1,000 – Musician Sponsor
Sponsor Recognition from stage at concert
Sponsor logo on promotional postcards
Sponsor logo on posters
Sponsor information in press materials
Sponsor logo and link on our website
Eighth- page advertisement in all programs for the season (7000 Pieces)
Recognition and thanks in an email to mailing list (1,500 people)
Logo and post on our Facebook page (1,200 likes)
Complementary tickets – 2 pairs (4 total)
In addition, if you prefer to target your gift to help FBSO defray specific operating costs, other sponsorship opportunities are available. Please call 281-276-9642 or send an email to donate@fbso.org to speak with our sponsorship coordinator.